Recycling & Waste Management
Any and all questions and concerns can be addressed by calling the main FD&O phone line at (408) 924-1990.
All service requests are typically submitted on iService, FD&O's virtual help desk and ticketing platform.
- Why recycle?
The university is required by Assembly Bill 75 to reduce waste by maintaining a recycling program. FDO is responsible for ensuring that San José State meets the diversion requirements established by the state, and is dedicated to making recycling and waste diversion practices on campus as easy as possible. If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve the university's recycling efforts, we welcome your feedback at
- Batteries and CFLs
Batteries and CFLs are turned over to our campus Hazardous Materials Specialist for recycling.
All fluorescent lamps and tubes are considered hazardous waste in California because they contain mercury. Old style incandescent light bulbs are not recyclable. Recycling Services only collects the compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
All types of dead batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable), and CFLs should be brought or sent to one of the following locations on campus for proper disposal:
- Facilities Development and Operations (FDO) Building (drop off with receptionist located on 1st floor)
- Send via Interdepartmental mail to Recycling Services extended zip code 0010
If your department generates large quantities of batteries or CFLs, place them in a box or envelope and submit a request to Recycling/Moving Services on iService or call (408) 924-1990 to request pickup of the batteries.
- Cans and Bottles
Cans and bottles should be placed into blue recycling bins located around campus. To report a full container that needs collection, call (408) 924-1990.
To report unauthorized persons collecting cans and bottles from recycling bins from inside buildings and on campus, please call UPD at (408) 924-2222.
- Cardboard
Cardboard boxes should be flattened and left next to a paper recycling container in your office area, where they will be picked up by the custodians for recycling.
If you have a large number of boxes, please flatten and take to the cardboard collection station nearest your building, normally found in the same area with trash dumpsters. To schedule pickup of larger quantities of flattened cardboard, submit a request on iService or call (408) 924-1990.
- Construction, Demoliton and Renovation Waste
Contractors at San Jose State University recycle construction and demolition (CD) debris as part of their scope of work. University employees are not responsible for disposing of waste related to construction, demoliton and renovation projects.
- Computers and Electronics
Contact the Information Technology department before initiating the process of disposing computers and electronics. IT will coordinate the erasure of data on all electronic devices to prepare for recyling or disposal.
After the equipment has been properly prepared for recycling, a Property Survey Form [pdf] [pdf] must be completed and sent to the Property Office (408) 924-1595 for processing.
Once you receive notification that your form has been received, you may then submit a request to Recycling/Moving Services on iService, or call (408) 924-1990 to request removal of the property. Do not leave property in hallways, stairwells, or outside of buildings. Abandoning equipment in this manner is a violation of campus policy and can create safety hazards.
- Foam packing peanuts
Clean polystyrene packing peanuts are accepted by 菠菜网lol正规平台's Shipping department where they are reused to pack items for mailing. Packing peanuts can be taken directly to the shipping department or sent to them through inter-campus mail. Peanuts should be sealed in a plastic bag or securely taped cardboard box for inter-campus mailing, and indicated on the outside that the contents are packing peanuts.
Pickup can also be requested by submitting a request to Recycling/Moving Services on iService or call (408) 924-1990. The peanuts should be contained in a bag or box prior to the pickup.
Please do not return foam packing blocks to the Shipping department. These are not reused, nor are they easily recyclable, and therefore should be placed in the regular trash for disposal.
- Greenwaste
Grounds and Landscaping handles all disposal for all organic waste in exterior areas of campus. To dispose of indoor greenery or plants, place in the trash, except for dirt. Refer to inerts below for reference. To arrange pickup of larger indoor plants and greenery, submit a request to Recycling/Moving Services on iService or call (408) 924-1990.
- Hazardous Materials
Call (408) 924-1990 for guidance on disposal for the following materials. Do not place in the trash or recycling.
- Any product labeled toxic, poison, or flammable
- Paint, paint thinners, spray cans
- Chemicals
- Solvents (gas, antifreeze)
- Fluorescent light tubes and bulbs
- Lubricants and motor oil
- Oil contaminated articles
- Pesticides
- Asbestos
- Used respirator cartridges
- Contaminated soil
- Sharps (syringes, needles, broken glass vials or containers, etc.)
- Inert Materials
Inert materials such as asphalt, block, brick, ceramics, clay, concrete, dirt, and plaster should not be discarded in the campus refuse bins or compactors, as these items are often very heavy and can easily overload a bin which cannot then be serviced.
To arrange pickup of larger amounts of inerts, submit a request to Recycling/Moving Services on iService or call (408) 924-1990.
- Mixed Paper
Paper collections are made by custodial staff at the same time trash is collected from offices. Individuals who need a deskside or larger recycling container can request one from Recycling Services by submitting a request on iService or by calling (408) 924-1990.
The following paper products are accepted in the paper recycling containers:
- White copy paper or colored paper
- Magazines
- Cardboard
- Chipboard
- Books
- Phone books
- Newspapers
- Blueprints
- File folders
- Junk mail (including envelopes)
- Sticky notes
Do not include:
- Napkins, and other food-soiled materials like paper or plastic plates (dispose in the trash)
- Non-recyclable trash
- Tissues
- Paper cups (which may have a non-recyclable inner lining)
- Food/candy wrappers
If the paper is dry and not contaminated with food waste, it can be recycled. Staples and paper clips do not need to be removed. Shredded paper can be recycled but needs to be contained in a clear plastic bag and placed next to your paper recycle bin.
- Pallets
Request pickup of shipping pallets by submitting a request to Recycling/Moving Services on iService or call (408) 924-1990.
- Scrap Metal
All scrap metal generated on campus should be brought to the metal collection bin at the Facilities Development and Operations (FDO) Corporate Yard (located at the corner of 10th Street and San Fernando).
Departments that generate large amounts of metal items should request temporary bins for collection by calling (408) 924-1990. Pickup of scrap metal can be arranged by requesting on iService.
- Special Events
Special events should arrange for waste disposal and recycling receptacles by requesting on iService or calling (408) 924-1990, well in advance of the scheduled event date(s).
- Surplus Furniture and Property
Prior to requesting the removal or disposal of any furniture, computers, electronic, or mechanical equipment, a Property Survey Report Form [pdf] [pdf] must be completed and sent to the Property Office (408-924-1595, extended zip 0047) for processing.
The Property Office will be responsible for submitting the service request to FD&O to have the surplus items removed for recycling or disposal.
- Toner and Ink Jet Cartridges
Do not dispose of toner and ink jet cartridges in the trash or recycling. Each department administrative assistant should be able to arrange recycling through the manufacturer. If not, contact FD&O at (408) 924-1990.
- Wood
Scrap wood should be brought to the wood collection bin at the Facilities Development and Operations (FDO) Corporate Yard (located at the corner of 10th Street and San Fernando).
Departments that generate large amounts of wood items should request temporary bins for collection by submitting a request on iService or by calling (408) 924-1990.
- Auctions - An item that is no longer wanted by a department can be offered to other departments or the public community through a service called Public Surplus.
- City of San José Recycling Guidance - how to prepare waste for recycling and where to dispose
- City of San José Bulk Waste Disposal - free junk pickup for San José residents
- Report illegal dumping
- Center for the Development of Recycling - Where to recycle in Santa Clara County
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Sustainability